Wholesome Education of Muslim Children
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06-27-2012, 09:42 PM
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Oct 2005
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As has been alluded to by other members on SF.... education seems to have become
the new battlefield
As I read the last few verses of surah
Al-i 'Imran
, I thought of education. When I looked up the tafsir, I noticed it was more about armed conflict. Allahu Akbar!
Of course, you shall be tested in your wealth and yourselves. And, of course, you shall hear much of what hurts, from those who have been given the Book before you and from those who associate (others with Allah). And if you observe patience and fear Allah, then these are among matters of determination. [186] Ma'ariful Qur'an provides the following commentary: "...This verse instructs Muslims that they should not show weakness when called to stake their wealth and life in the defence of their Faith or when they are hurt by the vituperations of the disbelievers, the polytheists and the people of the Book. All this is nothing but a trial for them. The best course for them is to observe restraint, be patient and keep to their real objective in life which is the achievement of the perfect state of Taqwa, (a state in which one fears Allah and remains answerable to Him all the time). In such a state Muslims should not worry about replying to the effrontery by antagonists."
O those who believe, be patient, be more patient than others, and guard your frontiers, and fear Allah, so that you may be successful. [200] translation from Ma'ariful Qur'an.
O yea who believe! persevere in patience and constancy: vie in such perseverance;
strengthen each other
; and fear Allah; that ye may prosper. [200] translation from Yusuf Ali (emphasis mine).
While Ma'ariful Qur'an provides commentary on both guarding and fighting to defend Islamic borders in armed conflict, I think this can apply to other conflicts too - the frontier of education possibly being one. Ma'ariful Qur'an provides the following
special note
: "In this verse, Muslims have been instructed to remain patient which is possible any time under all conditions... The second instruction given is to be more patient than others which is to be demonstrated while fighting disbelievers. The third instruction relates to a situation when an armed conflict with disbelievers is likely and there is the danger that fighting may erupt anytime. Finally comes the instruction to observe Taqwa (fear of Allah) which is the essence of everything one does and on which depends the Divine acceptance of what has been done. This set of instructions is the sum of almost all injunctions of the Shari'ah. May Almighty Allah give all of us the best of ability to act in accordance with these instructions." Ameen.
It seems quite obvious to many of us that
is a border we've failed at guarding and now we're scurrying to fight to defend it... once we reclaim our space, the objective shifts back to guarding again.
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