Question: 1251 Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Assalaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu Respected 'Ulama of Deoband, I know that it is haram to take photographs or to videotape of humans and animals. But, Arab TV channels broadcasts live five-time salawat and as well as the Tarawih salat from Makkah. According to me, it is not permissible or halal. But I would like to hear the fatwa in this regard please. Please answer as soon as possible. Jazakallah khairan wassalaamu 'Alaikum. Answer: 1251 Aug 28,2007 (Fatwa: 865/814=B) This is the fatwa of most Ulama and Muftis that the photography and videotaping of living beings is disallowed in Islam. There are stringent punishments mentioned in Hadith regarding the same. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband
Question: 346 I want to ask watching TV programmes, which are not anti shariah is permissible or not? Answer: 346 May 06,2007 (Fatwa: 468/J) Such Television programmes which contain pictures of living beings are impermissible to watch even though they do not have any other matter involving sin. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband
Question: 2101 Is WATCHING right things that is islamic channel and fully lawful things like debate on islamic topics etc on TV is right or wrong. if we use TV for right purpose and watch halaal things like lectures on islam is right or wrong. without watching unlawful thing that is song movies etc Answer: 2101 Dec 09,2007 (Fatwa: 849/812=D) It is not right; the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: ان ھذا الأمر دین فانظروا عمن تأخذون دینکم (مشکوۃ) These matters are related to religion, so you should see from whom you are taking your religion. (Mishkat) The matters of religion should be learnt from authentic and pious people. (2) Television is a tool of entertainment and enjoyment (lahw-o-laeb). It is most widely used for unlawful and prohibited things. If lawful matters are learnt from authentic people then also it is unlawful to listen it through TV, since it includes more or less haram thing. And by using TV a person slowly starts watching other programme as well. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband
Question: 666 As Salaam o Alaikum, Allah taala tamam aihl-e-eaman ko taqwa naseeb farmaay... dear ulema I would like to ask about the ruling about television, (1) Whether it is right to do business of television (where it produces picture).. (2) Whether it is ok to watch mustanad aihl-e-haq ulema karam giving dars-e-quran on tv? (3) Whether it becomes right that some aihl-e-haq ulema deliver sermons over televion recorded or live broadcast? (4) Whether it is okey to even run an audio bayan on a thing like television? (5) My major question would be, is it right to come on tv and get oneself picturised and then do tableeg-e-deen? (6) And kindly If you know what is the jawaz of these ulema-e-haq of coming over television broadcast and if that jawaz would be righteous? Kindly elaborate it too .. As Salaam o Alaikum.. wa rahmat Ullah. Answer: 666 Jun 28,2007 (Fatwa: 530=527/B) (1) Television is a tool of entertainment and amusement. It is the root cause of evil and obscenity. It has taken the place of cinema. Therefore, the business of such tools is highly undesirable (makrooh-e-tahreemi). (2) Giving Dars-e-Quran and listening to it on television is desecration of the Holy Quran. It amounts to equate its commandments with fun and entertainment. And, it is the objective of the Jews and the Christians. (3) This is also degradation of Ulama and religious speeches. (4) It is not right. Later, they start watching prohibited programmes and get habitual of it. (5) No, this way of preaching Islam is not right. (6) If there is some important, misleading and dangerous belief spreading then the Ulama can come on television in order to defend it in a state exigency. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband
Question: 6514 Some Muslim people who are not ?Muslim by birth? i.e. they are converted, means they have chosen Islam as a religion for own self and doing labour for Tableeg of Islam in own locality (e.g. ?Yusuf Estes (Former Christian associated strongly with church)? www.******************, etc.) And they have converted some nonmuslims to Islam (i.e. they have got success in own labour), are using mortal?s videos and pictures for this purpose i.e. for Tableeg. My question is, since it have been proved that videos and pictures are beneficial in the work of Tableeg, then why we can not use it for the purpose of Tableeg? Answer: 6514 Aug 04,2008 (Fatwa: 808/742=L-1429 In present time, television has become an instrument of entertainment and fun as well as a hub of sins and transgressions. Therefore, our elder Ulama do not allow using television for religious purpose as well. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband