good question, the effort of the sahabah ra which we are told to copy has amazing effects, and you can see that happening all over the world, what Allah SWT wants is sacrifice, of health, wealth and time, which doesn't happen on blogs forums - they only encourage arguments and debates, one question leads to an other, thats why when in khurooj we are told to try utmost to bring the brothers into the masjid and talk to him in a deeni environment of the masjid, the noorani atmosphere has its effects, blogs don't forums don't have this, thats why our ulamah's say to stay away from even getting your Deen through tv's and all. the best form of dawah was how the sahabah ra practiced, marqaz says if there was ever a better form of dawah, Allah SWT would have the Prophets pbut and Sahabah ra practice upon it before us.