Allah SWT could have even got the internet at that time if He wanted just like He granted total rule over the world to prophet Sulaiman [a. s] so much so that Hadrath [a.s] could even speak to the animals and commanded the winds to do his bidding. Was there technology [as we understand] at that time? Were there concords at that time to make Hadrath [a.s] to fly in the air? Allah SWT did make that happen. Allah SWT could make the stick of Hadrath Moosa [a.s] to turn into a snake - Allah SWT can do anything at any time, He doesn't need a blueprint. Please lets not use our aql in these matters. bro, you are a sweet guy, please, no need to get angry, i had the same thoughts once, i too have had blogs once [come on, i post on SF too] been using the net too for more than decade - and i've had these thoughts before. i don't want to get into this debate, leave in khurooj and ask Allah SWT yourself. i'm NOT discouraging you or anybody else from blogging, I enjoy SF's blogs, just that I think people who could have been driving an F1 car for big bucks are driving taxis. Clearly they should be doing what they more capable of.