Saudi Women In Olymipics.... =(
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04-05-2012, 05:42 PM
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Message for King of Saudi
by Mawlana Ahmad Sadek Desai
8 Jamaadil Ula 1433 – 1 April 2012
screams the ARAB NEWS. Yes, at last the evil, faasiq, faajir monarch of Saudi Arabia has denuded himself of every vestige of the Deen. On the verge of falling into his grave he has bared his kufr reality, flagrantly and treacherously cast aside Islam, and in supreme subservience to his U.S.A. master, the king of Saudi Arabia has given the green light for Muslim women of Saudi Arabia to become prostitutes - to parade themselves to the vulgar kuffaar eyes of the Western Kuffaar – to put on exhibition their bodies – to march with the Flame of Kufr and Shirk, the so-called Olympic Flame, which is a flagrant symbol of shirk and kufr.
By granting Saudi women the right to become prostitutes at the behest of his western kuffaar masters and maniupulators, the Saudi king has openly reneged from Islam. This vile, decrepit, senile king does not deserve to hold the title, Khaadimul Haramain Shareefain. This inveterate, spineless lackey and surrogate of the West is NOT Khaadimul Haramain (The Servant of Musjidul Haraam and Musjidun Nabawi). This august, sacred and lofty pedestal is today standing vacant. The Haramain Shareefain today are Orphans. These most Sacred Places of Islam today have no guardian and no servant.
The Ummah is under obligation to make dua that Allah Ta'ala removes the treacherous, faasiq, faajir king who has so treacherously and miserably sold Islam, betrayed Allah, betrayed the Rasool and betrayed the Ummah to remain in his position of licking the najis boots of the Western Kuffaar, the U.S.A. in particular.
What was unthinkable and unimaginable a few years ago is hardcore reality today. At the behest of the West, 'liberating' the women of Islam from the holy Qur'aanic fetters of Hijaab and casting them into the filthy, promiscuous arms of the western kuffaar, the Saudi king has jettisoned his Imaan out from his heart. He has plunged headlong into kufr with his 100% participation in and bankrolling of the kufr interfaith movement aimed at the destruction of Islam. He has opened wide the doors of prostitution and immorality for Saudi women in particular. Innumerable Saudi Ulama of the Haqq have been silenced and assigned into torturous detention for having proclaimed the Haqq of Allah Azza Wa Jal. The Saudi regime is rotten to the core. Muslims are exhorted to supplicate to Allah Ta'ala to replace the current king and his deadwood, corrupt and rotten establishment, and to grant this Ummah a pious Sultan/Khalifah who will once again restore the Standard of Islam and bring the Holy Land under perfect domination of the Shariah, Aameen!
The legalization of zina by the king by way of licensing female exhibition and nudity for the lustful gratification of the western kuffaar heralds the doom of the Saudi regime. Allah Ta'ala states in the Qur'aan:
"And for every nation there is an appointed time. When that time arrives,
It shall not be advanced nor delayed by a moment."
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