Request: Old videos of Muslims countries showing mode of dress
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06-24-2012, 03:43 AM
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Request: Old videos of Muslims countries showing mode of dress
Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh,
I'm looking for old videos which show the mode of dress of the average public in Muslim countries - Arab countries in particular. Would really like to see some old videos with women wearing niqaab as well.
I've seen a couple over the years, but I can't track down the sources.
One video (or picture?) I saw was that of women lining up at an Ottoman official's desk, every single one of them pretty much was in abaaya or niqaab.
Another one I saw at the local museum, which had Muslim artifacts on display. They had an old video of the outer covering of the ka'bah being paraded and transported to Makkaah Mukarramah thru different Muslim countries. You could clearly see the mode of dress of the general public, men and women in that video.
Jazaak Allaah Khayr.
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