On Muslim Population in Europe
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05-09-2012, 07:51 PM
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Oct 2005
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I had a Muslim friend who I shared many meals with, joined in halaqa for years, and considered him to be a cultured, educated Muslim (been to hajj successfully, masters degree in computer engineering). It just so happened that one day over a meal, we and a few other brothers were discussing culture and race and this brother broke into his personal views on race, IQ, human evolution, etc. which were essentially Eugenics from 19th century Europe. He perceived that there were only three races (Caucasian, Negro, Mongol) and how Indians were Aryans from Causasian race, having evolved over millenia etc. I personally was a little shocked. All this time, he held quasi scientific, Social Darwinian views about races of people. But the good thing was several of us brothers were able to intellectually unravel, deconstruct, and eventually overcome his long held views. But he eventually spilt apart from us.
he has abandoned his wrong ideas and is well.
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