Mawlana Sa'ad's Bayan in English!
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11-19-2010, 10:34 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
This quote from Qari Tayyib
can provide a clearer picture:
If you ponder, you will realize that the Tablighi Jama'ah is a combination of all these four means of reformation*, it is like a ma'jun muraakab (compounded medication). It is like an elixir in which all four ways of self-reformation is found. In a nutshell there is untold benefits in this effort.
*1. Suhbah of the Ahlullah, 2. A sincere friend, 3. Islah by means of an enemy, and 4. Muhasabah of the nafs. Qari Tayyib
referenced those four means from Imam Ghazzali
, explaining them before the above quote.
Taken from the book,
Self-reformation and the Tablighi Jama'ah
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