Firstly it was the woman who asked the ques. Q: what is your opinion on a new sect now days in india called TJ that leaves his home for 40days and read a Useless book called Fazaile Amaal which contins false ahdith ( the words used is Jhooti Hadith ) etc. ? A: Fazaile- amal consist of mixture of saheeh hadith , weak hadith , fabircation and stories , we should take from sahih hadiths , like Bukhari , tirnidhi , ibn majah . and i have comes around any hadith that says to go for 40days for TJ and this things is not proven from Quran or Hadith. I have translated only the half part. Note: i find the woman more agreessive than zakir naik , the tone she used was very harsh as for zakir naik he is only good in comparative religion and that too in some aspects of it rest i consider him worth no to listen. Because he is not a scholar , nor alim , hafiz or anything he has just memorise some verses of Holy Quran from here and there for his talks. so what else will you expect from him. To me a Scholar is 1st and Last choice.