Assalamu Aleikum. First of all, Zakir Naik is a Daa'ie and a very good one at that. He gives clarifications out of what he has learnt, and he mentions repeatedly that he's not a scholar. In many instances, he does not provide answers to questions for which he has no knowledge, or gives an opinion from what he knows prefacing (or providing disclaimers) it sufficiently. For people to claim that he chooses weak opponents is not correct. He travels quite a bit, and he cant always ensure he has weak opponents. In any case, this is not a battle but an intellectual discourse through which the general public gets knowledge that they didnt have before. Is all his knowledge perfect? Absolutely not. But show me anyone who is correct all the time except Allah swt and his Rasool . Please also let us know why you want an answer to this question. Would his opinion make a differerence to you going or not going in the path of TJ? If yes, I would strongly recommend that you pursue an ulemaa in your locality and get specific answers to your questions directly. If you're just asking to get a frame of reference to judge where on the spectrum he falls, I have nothing to say. Allah swt knows best, and may He guide us all.