help required answering a salafi, and combating salafi resources
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06-10-2012, 06:50 PM
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Oct 2005
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How do we know the truth?
Salafis assume that written texts reveal the truth, is this justified? Maybe, the written textual hadith can be sahih, but its context of revelation is not known, or it is known and it is not applicable to all situations? How many sahih hadiths are there in total? Does any living human have total and comprehensive knowledge of all of these?
Imam Malik (RA) ignored hadiths, giving preference the Amal of the people of Madina. His view was that if thousands of people in Madina were doing a particular must be part of the sunnah as picked up from father to son in the city. If the Adhan is being given in a particular way in Madina during the time of Imam Malik, it is unlikely that it was different from the time of the Rasul (SAW), if someone changed it, the whole of Madina would have objected to it. If some comes along with a sahih hadth to show that the Azan being given in Madina is wrong, Imam Malik would ignore it because the Amal of the people of Madina is the Sunnah.
There are two branches of salafis.
1) the Saudi so called 'wahabis'.
2) the Egyptian Ikwanis and followers of Sayid Qutub.
Both have been highly influenced by Jamaludin Afghani and Muhammad Abduh, and both are becoming irrelevant as time goes on, they are bankrupt, the only danger from them comes in their gaining political power...if they do so they will destroy Islam from inside.
Good background on Wahabism here:
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