help required answering a salafi, and combating salafi resources
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06-10-2012, 07:33 PM
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Oct 2005
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All in all tho bro you seem much more knowledgeable than me but i can tell you from experience that these sorts of arguments/debates are not very fruitful. let the person discover the truth on their own or refer him to a book (which he is of course at liberty to refuse reading) like Mufti taqi Uthmani's "legal status of following a madhab" of "fiqh al'imam" by Mufti Abdurrahman Ibn Yusuf.
in general most salafis respect the 4 imams. its the much later scholars that some (not all) show disrespect to, usually those scholars who were also well-known sufis or asharis etc.
again one shud stress that no 2 salafis are alike you have many different flavors of salafism (as many as there are prominent salafi ulema). no two salafis typically have the exact same style of ibadah they typically have some differences int heir diets, slah style etc. aqeedah is where they are the most similar.
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