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Old 06-30-2010, 01:22 AM   #10

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As Salam Alaikum,

Reason I ask is because I was recently watching this video by a top Deobandi Sheikh from India named Maulana Mahmood A. Madani where he [diplomatically and intelligently] answered a lot of questions by an Indian TV programme in defense of Islam and the Darul Ulum Deoband. That led to another video in which the respected Sheikh questioned Musharraf the american lapdog in regards to some offensive comments he made about Indian Muslims. What got me worried were the amount of disgusting comments by Pakistanis, in defence of the Shaytan Musharraf and calling the Sheikh a "munafiq" (astagfirallah) and what not. I assumed the Pakistani people respected the ulema of Deoband, considering the mufti of Pakistan is Deobandi and there is such a strong Deobandi influence there.

Gah, Some of the vile krap written by some stupid Pakistans in reference to the Scholar made me literally sick to my stomach.

Brother, as our brother from Italy pointed out, your entire logic here is flawed. Here are some points to consider,

[1] Not all Pakistans are Deobandi,

[2] Not all Pakistani commentators on Youtube are Deobandi,

[3] Commentators on Youtube (or other similar sites) do not represent the whole of Pakistan,

[4] Major Deobandi 'ulama in Pakistan and India both despise and condemn Musharraf - there is no disagreement on this matter,

[5] Pakistan is a deeply divided nation, very sectarian,

[6] Deobandis are generally respected and referred to for religious issues by religious minded individuals in Pakistan,

[7] Who ever says Barelwis are in majority in Pakistan is parroting a Barelwi concocted lie, one has to simply count the number of masjids and madrasah's in any given city to get an idea. It's not easy to gauge this so a blanket declaration shouldn't be made in my opinion. Also we have to differentiate between the irreligious bidah prone people from the proper Barelwis.


Just because a few people from Pakistan slandered Mawlana Mahmood Madani doesn't mean this was from the "Pakistani Deobandi camp". The Deobandis in Pakistan totally accept the Darul Uloom in Deoband and it's ulama, and the ulama of India in general. In fact, these people in no way would represent the Pakistani populace as any non scientific poll would do. I'm not saying there aren't messed up people in Pakistan who hate on the ulama, there are quite a few indeed and that's why I said it is a deeply divided country.

And now the answers to your questions,

Is there any difference between the several schools of deoband in India and Pakistan?


Is there one central authority (Amir) or unified leadership board?

No. This isn't the Tablighi jamat or Jamiat Ulama Islam (political party). Deobandism is a maslak of the ulama not an official body with members and leaders.

Do they confer with each other? Is it amicable, or is there a diversion and split? Does one school take the opinion/fatwa of the other school as binding?

As i said it's not an organization of any sort. Deobandi madrasah's have their Darul Iftas, which is basically the fatwa-issuing organ of any institution. Some times the Darul Ifta's of some madrasah's don't agree with each other but that is in fiqhi matters relating to contemporary issues such as Islamic finance, as far as fundamental beliefs (aqidah) they do not differ at all.
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