As-salamu alaykum. While pursuing a bachelor's degree at a university in the United States, I took out some federal loans which have terms which stipulate that interest does not accrue until a certain period of time after graduation or during any period of being a full-time student. I had read fatwas online previously that indicated that this would be permissible as long as I would be able to pay back the amounts taken out in student loans before the interest-accruing period began, much like how using a credit card is permissible so long as the user pays the amount owed before any interest accrues. Here is an example of such a fatwa: I have now read other fatwas which indicate that even this would not be permissible, in addition to hearing this from a few imams in person. I would appreciate some advice for this situation. JazakAllah Khayran for all of your help.