With the help of petrodollar a lot of the scholastic work of minority view is translated in english (often with miss translation). The others don't share the same level (if any) financial support from the govrnment and can't flood the market so just surviving. It is also foolish to translate these books for laymen. I remember few years ago, the likes of hidyah approch one scholar to translate some of the Ibn Taimiyahs book, he refused on the ground layperson do not have the tools to understand it as it requires additional explanation and discourse to decipher. Then again people suffer from delusion of grandeur mixed with zeal is often the case! In the recent times Al Hidyah, and Kitab Al Athar, Muwatta of Imam Muhammad, Compodium of Knowledge & wisdom by Turath publishing is published. http://www.turath.co.uk/front/