Today, its normal for an alim to have a Western suit and tie in his closet.
Today, gays are usually completely shaven as are most Western men.
But to really address the Muslim world, the believers have to confront the Western culture and the ideas which promote it. If you can't speak against the impact of secular media in the Muslim world, such as Iraq, which include the secular fahsha and **** from Egypt and Lebanon (the Gomorrah to Egypt's Sodom), and take the government's to task for allowing this filth and misguidance, then you are not really addressing the issue.
A country like Morocco has been forced to accept gay tourism market from the West because its too poor to sustain an economy without it. Hence, gays visiting Morocco arrogantly claim a right to be gay in Maghreb and go to their clubs there. To no surprise, poor and jahili Moroccan youth, male and female, have been known to prostitute themselves to gay tourists. Same in Egypt.
So why is this alim only mimmicking what was reasonable 1000 years ago but appears silent about the realy 'gay' issues in the Muslim world like I just mentioned? How many NGOs and private organizations are working in Iraq at this moment promoting sexual freedom and gay rights and what is the alim's response?
Im not saying dont grow a long beard- do so and may Allah reward you. But the real issue about effeminacy and gayness in the Muslim world is about Western infiltration and continued cultural colonization and imperialism.