After reading Brazilian convert's post, I wanted to add that here in UAE, you can find in any given masjid in Abu Dhabi: a local emirati in white kamees (Emirate style) with the head piece (I forgot the name for it), a Jordanian or Egyptian with a close shaved beard or no beard in a suit, a Sudanese in a long white kamees ( Sudanese style) and a white turban, a Pakistani in skullcap/taqiya and shalwar, Indonesian with his cloth wrapped around his waist ( in his people's style) and his particular headpiece. And for every one in traditional garb there are 3 or 4 in Western pants and shirt, or sometimes in a uniform. For the local emirati, they would not wear want the Pakistanis, Indians, and Afghanis wear as traditional because they consider them to be underdressed. In the end, the fundamental Shara' standards are what's important. And Allah knows best.