The Relevance of madrassahs in this age
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06-16-2012, 04:04 PM
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Oct 2005
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There have been seminars on this subject. Some of the contributer includes Scholars and academics and educationalist.
The likes of TJ winter Abdal Hakim Murad of Cambridge university feels what is needed a little adjustment to the Darul ulm i.e how to relate to the secular science i.e captalism, socialism etc.
Perhaps spending a year in a secular academia
Some have suggested 2 distinct systems 1: Existing System + some modules on various secular ism - socialism. capitalism etc.
2. Core religious subjects only and core secular science allowing graduates of these scholar to venture out in the secular world but connected to the formal darul ulm.
Some have been attampting to do this. The likes Ebrahim Community college
is one such institute but often suffers from lack of fund. The community they serve often is not mature enough to support them and some hopes for them to fail because of loss of control and for secterian bias.
The likes of Zaituna is perhaps one of the well funded one.
The danger is becoming Jack of all and master of none. So close observation is needed.
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