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Old 06-02-2012, 02:46 AM   #14

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Oct 2005
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Advice: Wear a pair of socks that matches with the color of your trouser.

If you are calling a Sunnah awkward: Don't tell us, go to Roza e Rasool Saw, stand there and tell the Prophet Saw. Then you might realize what are you calling awkward. Don't try to gift wrap everything to please yourself and to hide your Muslim identity. If the Aamal(deeds) go wrong there is still hope, but if the Ilm(knowledge) goes wrong then there is not much hope left.

What is so difficult to do with that? IF we cannot even move the trouser by one inch to save ourself from hell fire then what more can we do? Just 1 inch that's it?Are we so stubborn that we can't move an inch?
If our boss asks us to do something, do we ask, "Sir is it absolutely necessary for me to do what you are saying? Will you fire me if I don't do what you say?"
ArrichMer is offline


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