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06-08-2012, 11:25 PM
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Oct 2005
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Salaam Aleikum.
1. There is no such a thing as a "Jafari Madhhab".
2. We know your (Shi'ah's) 'aqidah. Your first point is not true... As even once Ahmed Deedat recognised the shia jaferi madhab to be correct aswell as Al Azhar university. Alhumdullillah there are alot of sunnis that are infavour of unity and do recognise the Jafari Madhab.
Alhumdulillah to your second point.
In fact Islam urges you to ask those who know if you do not know. This discussion and debate is Greek philosophy that has done little good for humanity. If discussion and debate is little good for humanity than god help us...... Because of the lack of discussion between shia and sunnis is the direct result of believers being killed, slaughtered in pakistan, afghanistan, iraq etc.....
If discussion is a greek philosophy, i should remind you with regards to the event of Mubahahila or even prior to that, which was when our holy prophet was discussing various islamic topics to the christians.
Or even the discussion of Imam Ali ibn Musa with jews, christians and other scholars from different madhabs in the famous debate in the palace of the caliph Mamooun.
I cant seriously understand your logic on this
If that was the case then beloved Prophet (PBUH) would not have asked protection from knowledge that is not beneficial. .
Please quote the hadith....
The value of knowledge being bad or good doesnt mean that a person will act on a bad knowledge, but means that one becomes informed of it and can even use this in his discussions with for example christians. To dismiss gaining knowledge on the pretext of a 'person' thinking its viewed as bad is ridiculous. My understanding of bad knowledge will differ from yours. If this is the view of everyone how can we progress in society or yet our spirtitual self, as everyone will dismiss what the other says as 'bad'.
Christians are cordially invited to Islam. You are cordially invited to conservative traditional Sunni Islam that is the real Islam. You are inviting me to sunniism in a islamic forum while trying to convince us that discussing islamic thought is a greek philiopshy.... In other words convert without researching in to it?
That isnt very inviting....
Real Islam is known to allah swt and its followers will be judged accordingly....
We understand that but this is Sunni Forum. Any fiqh that competes with our way of life can not be taken as the in-house view. As an academic discussion it may find some place but not in those threads where authentic Islamic teachings are being discussed. If this fiqh is mixed with the rest then we will be guilty of misguiding the innocent people. As it was a fique question, i made it clear that my view was from the jafari fique.
Also i love how you casually in a way decribe my fique as misguidance, when infact sunni scholars have classed the fique as correct. Unfortunantley due to fitnah (astagfirullah) its harder to find more scholars being more open about this.
When a matter is asked at Sunni Forum the answer has to be according to the Sunni view. If that gets mixed up with the Shia view then it is injustice to the former. I have answered this according to the jafari fique. Nowhere did i try to misguide under the cloud thats a sunni view or hanafi view etc.
Golden point, the Shia sect should not have been created. If you want to study the term 'created'. Please advise when the term Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamah was 'created' then? Was it before or after the term Shia of Muhammad (saw), or shia of Ibrahim (as), as mentioned in the quran?
Wa Alayk. Eventhough i know why you dont complete the full sentence to a muslim brother, i can only follow the prophets sunnah and complete it myself.
Wa Aleikum Salaam.
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