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Old 06-10-2012, 01:56 AM   #39

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Oct 2005
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salaam aleikum
I follow the Islam taught by people like Hazrat Maulana Qasim Nanootwi Sahab (RA).
He did not debate with Muslims.
And if beloved Prophet (PBUH) allowed the Christians to express their beliefs it does not mean that he (PBUH) elevated them to his level by debating with them. Well I follow Islam taught by Muhammad (saw) and his Ahlul Bayt (pbut).
In terms of Fique I belong to the fique of the ahlul bayt developed by Imam Jafer Sadiq (as).

Also the prophet (saw) did debate with the christians, just look into this event, and you will see that. He discussed things such as the topic of trinity, jesus (as) etc.

Islam was complete slightly earlier than that. Well if you are trying to claim that you know better than the Imam, than i should remind you of the hadith of our prophet when he narrated about his ahlul bayt that: not to question them (ahlul bayt) for they know more than you. This is both recorded in shia and sunni hadith.
But i believe Maulana Qasim Nanootwi Sahab is far more after islam, so why question the imam?

I'll try once again.
Greeks thought you could reach truth just by intellectual exercise, mere reasoning.
Empiricism in particular, or science, is sufficient to prove that this was a faulty premise.
But we are talking about a different thing here - faith.
It is based on Wahy. Again debate or discussion will not add anything to it.
Of course discussion might lead to some clarification, what you call understanding but that has to be done in another thread.
When a genuine inquiry is posted on SF the official answer can not be mixed with Fiqh-e-Ja'afariya, the incomplete Fiqh and a Fiqh rendered undesirable because of its association with an ideology that is detrimental to mainstream Islam. I really dont understand your logic as you also fail to provide hadith to back thiss theory up.

Its a clear contradiction to the teachings of islam.

Also when you say 'mainstream', you are only using the statistics of being the majority as your claim to be on the 'right path', when infact we know the majority will be inhabitants of hell? Im not saying to become a shia or sunni based on statistics, i would rather discuss a topic and let one decide for themselves with no pressure or statistics.

You have dumped your opinion brother. An opinion is amongst the worst things to carry. If thats the case, why have you got 4 schools of thought which each of them have different opinions of their own, often contradicting the other?

What about school of thought of concepts such as freewill, predestination... As I am aware sunnis have different opinions on this aswell? if opinions or freedom of discussion iisnt allowed, why are there so many of these opinions in the sunni world?

You will also find these opinions being based on people such as scholars but not being based upon the actual teachings of our prophet (saw)...

If you have hadith on these issues please provide these on topics like freewill, predestination? Where did this concept within sunni school of thought originate if it wasnt without discussion.

Abu Hanifa (founder of the hanafi school of thought) was known to regulary discuss issues with Imam Jafer Sadiq (as) (jafari fique).

You do have a point here akhi. Please do the required search. There is a thread here at SF about the beliefs of Twelver Shias. Go through it - there is enough search already compiled in that thread. I nearly puked on the first page. It might be difficult for you too but we are supposed to hold fast to the truth. I have read many materials on my faith, and also from sunnis who write about shias. Its funny how sunnis are telling shias what we believe in these books which contradict our beliefs?! Why not go to a shia and ask what we believe instead of guessing and making things up.

The things i have heard myself what we 'so called' belief can make you 'puke' aswell. So i agree with you there. (with the made up things that is).

As you know there are groups which only exist to run a marketing campaign against shias by writing lies to avoid people becoming shias..... Why is it neccesary to lie about the shia beliefs if the sunni world are so confident that our beliefs our wrong?

We are obviously going offtrack to the main topic on this thread so i will leave this now, especialy as i am a busy man.

If you would like to disuss certain areas in more detail, please start a thread and PM me about it and i will be glad to reply back to it.

Also , alhumdulillah I have many sunni friends (and wife) and i am pro for the unity.

Whatever people say otherwise is not my concern, as being pro unity is more liked to allah swt.

I havent got time for people having grudges in their heart, or no politeness or respect to one another. Its not humane, so forget muslim morals.

With this I leave.

Salaam Aleikum, Jamean Warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

sirmzereigMix is offline


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