What is wrong with Capitalism? is Capitalism haram?
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04-10-2010, 06:52 PM
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Oct 2005
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no you're right theres nothing wrong with the free market, theres nothing wrong with capitalism and theres nothing wrong with wanting to better oneself.
however the West and western economies and societies places such an emphasis on these ideaologies that now everyone thinks about themselves and what is best for them, no longer do we do anything for the social good.
Communism is the complete opposite one in which the individual is virtually rendered obsolete, he is expected to do everything for the good of society and is expected to play his part in his community. Communism akmost suppresses the individual.
Islam is middle ground between these two schools of thought, we are urged to think of others and do what is best for the ummah/community. In some cases this has been made obligatory, yet we are also encouraged to seek rizq, to seek Allah's bounty and to better ourselves for the sake of the muslims. Our religion truly is unique, we have been so blessed but sometimes i dont' think we fully realize it.
May Allah gives us thq Tawfiq to implement and abide by the Quran and Sharia.
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