Salaam Aleikum Ofcourse its wrong.... Surah Ahad explains it nicely. You are limiting Allah swt in a way where you know he has a hand etc, when infact allah says: None is like him. I would prefer you wouldnt lie either... The beliefs of Ibn Taymiyyah is rather clear. Instead of saying he has a physical attribute, you like to make it confusing to clear this deviant belief up by adding: the way its suits his majesty,,, which the previous brother himself said, and which is known to be said by the salafies.. Also i love how you say that you prefer me not to lie about your beliefs.... If only 'some sunnis' stop this themselves and not be a hypocrite on other shia forums. (you know who you are). Anyways this is oftopic, so if you would like to discuss this elsewhere, pm me. Salaam