Use of word "convert" vs "revert"
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06-07-2012, 10:15 AM
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Oct 2005
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Use of word "convert" vs "revert"
Assalamu Alaikum,
I was speaking to a Mufti Saheb today and he clarified an important point. It has to do with the hadith
"Every child is born upon Fitrah"
In the video Shaykh Riyadh explains that "fitra" doesn't mean Islam, rather it means that "the natural state of every human being is one of clarity, purity; of being in a pristine form; of being unpolluted, unadulterated by external factors. And that natural state is conducive to a person embracing Islam"
And this is from Imam Abu Hanifa's Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar (I think this is the book he quoted, please correct me if I have mentioned the wrong book)
The reasoning that the Mufti Saheb gave:
The use of word "revert" would mean that the child was forced by Allah to be born as Muslim, but that is not true. Allah has created all humans as having free will to choose their religion.
Just thought that this was an important point and highly misunderstood by us. So sharing it here.
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