Actually I was purely defending the statement without any regards to the individual who said it. So... There need not be such distinction. Its implied aand obvious. The hadith wwould have a vast meaning and specifiying it with "beauty" would have restricted it. What is clear from the hadith is advise or recommendation or infact obligatory command to caution and fear with regards to women. So such cautionery behaviour becomes a sunnah. From context of hadith as well as reason, the beauty of women is one of the issues on which taking caution becomes sunnah. Its not two sets of shariah but one shariah that applies differently to different categories of people. The people of caution such as the sufis would stay away from anything doubtful and anything that has a possibility of diverting his spiritual pursuit. Similarly, in laymen when something can lead to haram then the means to it can be blocked. No my point was that this issue was clear enough by reason itself. And in such case it is duty that he stay away from it. Our minds like our ears and eys would be questioned by Allah. So to know that something would lead to problems and yet not do anything would be irresponsible in matter of deen. And yes it agreed that this issue is not one of which someone is to be criticized heavily or forced upon but one of wisdom and precautionary advise especially when we see that such issues are bringing up corruption and problems in the community. And full imaan is when one hates to turn to disbelief, and such precautions are parts of such hate for disbelief.