You mean incense and not scent! Here it is in Saheeh Bukhari... حدثنا صدقة بن الفضل أخبرنا ابن عيينة قال سمعت الزهري عن عبيد الله عن أم قيس بنت محصن قالت سمعت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول عليكم بهذا العود الهندي فإن فيه سبعة أشفية يستعط به من العذرة ويلد به من ذات الجنب ودخلت على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بابن لي لم يأكل الطعام فبال عليه فدعا بماء فرش عليه Narrated Um Qais bint Mihsan (RA): I heard the Prophet saying, "Treat with the Indian incense, for it has healing for seven diseases; it is to be sniffed by one having throat trouble, and to be put into one side of the mouth of one suffering from pleurisy." Once I went to Allah's Apostle with a son of mine who would not eat any food, and the boy passed urine on him whereupon he asked for some water and sprinkled it over the place of urine. It existed in Sunan Abi Dawud at least a 1000 years before India/Pakistan, how can it be invented? See post above...