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06-07-2012, 12:01 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
The thing is he knows what i was like before marriage why can't he accept me for what i am!!
Because its called
Ghayrah of a man
! Perhaps he was attractive towards you (before marriage) and he realises that and he doesn’t want you to become centre of attention for other men.
Your most important consideration should be pleasure of Allah (SWT) and trying to get to paradise so let go of your likes/dislikes and get to paradise which is way bigger and better then his earth.
You can get agitated about it, focus on this world and wreck your chances
Make Wudhu pray 2 Rakaat and have a dialogue with Allah (SWT) and say, “Ya Allah! You know what I like and desire but I sacrifice my desires for your pleasure and desire nothing but reward from you in the hereafter and I sacrifice my desires and my pleasures on your commandment of trying to please my husband and I realise the temporary nature of my life and I sacrifice the temporary life of this world over permanent blessings of paradise.”
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