The following is quoted from the book "Eminent Ulema" published by Madrasah Arabia Islamia, Azaadville, on page 159 under the biography of Mufti Muhammed Shafi (RA) "Besides his literary and religious endeavours, he also served the nation in the political arena. At the indication of Hazrath Thanwi (RA), he played a major role in the independence of Pakistan by openly supporting the Muslim League. Hazrath Thanwi (RA) chose him amongst other Ulema to reform and spiritually rectify the leaders of the Muslim League like Muhammed Ali Jinnah and others." I suppose all the ulema mentioned so far played a significant role in the formation of Pakistan. Also I faintly remember reading somewhere that a Mufti (cant remember name) raised the national flag of Pakistan during the independance ceremony in East Pakistan (present Bangladesh)