i dont know about ulema position, but i know of the reality position. pakistan was created under a LIE. the name of "islam" and "muslims" was used to create this state. but who did that?? it was a rafidhi named Mohammad ali jinnah. he used islam for his own political agendas. he wasnt even an islamist or believer, he considered Ataturk as a hero. ever since the cration of pakistan, shias have continued to rule over it. PPP and PML are both shia parties, founded by shias. musa khan, yahya khan, benzir bhutto, zulfiqur bhutto, zardari, jinnah, all are shias. and what have they done?? they have waged war against sunnis. they waged war in bengal, waged war in baloch, and today they wage war in NWFP and FATA. muslims like to make conspiracy theories that jews control america. well, that is is only a conspiracy theory. but it is FACT (although never made public) that shias control pakistan, syria and lebanon.