Ok, here is what I want to do: I want to buy the land from a Real Estate Company by paying the full amount all at once (forget the payments-by-instalments). After some time, I intend to invite a Developer to build a set of apartments on this building. As part of the deal, no money will exchange hands. I will retain 50% of the apartments and give the rest to the Developer. I intend to rent out these apartments eventually or maybe even sell them. Question A: Is the land zakatable until the apartments are built? Question B: You mentioned that zakat is paid on the entire amount which is absolutely correct. If the land is zakatable, how do I arrive at the current market price? Is this what I can sell it at or the original seller (Real Estate Company) can sell it at? NB: Answers don't have to come from a Shafi'i perspective. From what I have been told, Hanafi fiqh seems to be way more developed in mu'amalaat. Jazak Allah Khair.