Very detailed questions about Zakah on Land
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12-05-2011, 12:09 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Question A: Is the land zakatable until the apartments are built?
That would fall under the following Timeline:
Point B
, After purchase of the Land, building not yet built.
The question is Zakat payable on the 'total value' of the Land
Only from the income of the Land.?
Since there is no Income at the moment only 2 possibilities are:
1. Zakat to be paid on the total value of Land.
2. No Zakat to be paid as, there is no 'rent' being recieved from the plot.
P.s. I have heard that in case of Land, only the income is Zakatable and the total value doesn't have to be calculated. please clarify this part.
Allahu Alam.
Note: This is only my discussion/exploration of the matter - please do not act upon it without consulting scholars.
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