practical solutions to ummahs problems
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06-06-2012, 01:43 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I agree that we need imaan but we also need laser guided missiles and advanced tactical fighters, plans for water shortages and development of the muslim world in science and engineering inshAllah, we need drugs factories and space shuttles, air defenses and tank factories, plans for reversing desertification, alternative energy sources, political solutions to the current political mess we're in in terms of internal policies within the ummah and external policies for dealing with interfering foreign governments, economic plans for weaning our nations off of haraam sources of income and economic systems, military strategies for defending our nations against further invasions etc.
We cant just say we need imaan and neglect any worldly plans, they need to be developed in tandom inshAllah. Did the prophet SAW sit back and say lets just pray 5 times a day and Allah will grant victory and protect madinah? he dug trenches, built armies, prepared his troops, he said archery is stregnth, he would deceive his enemies by giving our false info, he made a peace treaty with quraish and the jews, he made practical plans aswell as reliance on Allah and we should do the same inshAllah, its just a question of what are the most realistic short term steps we can take
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