Rights of the first wife in Islamic Marital Contract
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12-02-2010, 06:30 AM
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Rights of the first wife in Islamic Marital Contract
Salamu alaikum wr wb,
I was speaking to someone and they said that I cannot say that I'd rather not be married to a man who wants or plans on possibly taking a second wife. My understanding of polygamy according to Islam is that a man can have more than 1 wife, up to four, out of societal necessity (such as she has orphaned children who needs a father, or she needs a mans support, etc.) , not just out of sexual desire for more than one woman. Also, multiple marriages are not desired or recommended unless absolutely necessary. It is also my understanding that if a woman has foreseeable hardship that will negatively impact the 1st marriage if her husband takes a second wife, she has the right to ask him to agree in the marriage contract not to marry a second wife. Is this correct? Does she have this right?
I also checked various sources and they all said that she has the right to request that he agree not to take a wife after her for the duration of their marriage. The following is an excerpt from on of the sources:
(a) Polygyny
If a woman does not feel that she could allow her husband to marry more than one woman at the same time, then Islam allows her the right to refuse him permission to do this at the outset of their marriage, however, she must indicate this preference in the Prenuptial Agreement or she will forfeit this right under the Islamic Law. If she is uncertain as to whether or not she will be opposed to her husband marrying a second wife later on, then she could include that in the agreement and thus make it binding upon her husband that he must consult her at that time and that he must then abide by her wishes. To say nothing, however, could possibly invite more pain than gain as far as her desires are concerned.
In the West, polygamy (4) is illegal. Even so, the woman may still request that her husband not marry a second wife, and put this in the contract. This sort of request would be considered spurious in the Prenuptial Contract because men in the west are already forbidden polygyny. Nonetheless it might still prove to be a useful addition to the contract at this time because later on the couple might possibly move to a country where polygyny is legal.
Jazakallah for your answers.
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