Rights of the first wife in Islamic Marital Contract
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12-02-2010, 10:35 AM
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Oct 2005
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Yes, but nothing suggests that having more than one wife is better either.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. There are many circumstances when it
actually encouraged to marry more than once, some of which have already been mentioned. But let's take the most 'trivial' one as an example : if a man isn't satisfied with one wife alone and he feels he fulfills the conditions for taking more wives, then it is better for him to marry than stay monogamous and try to control his desires.
And it is actually better to have one wife because having others is a big responsibility for you have to treat each the same way and it can be verrryyy hard to do so, and its rare nowadays to find a husband that is equally fair among his wives I think a lot of the time, it has to do with what his own wives deem as 'fair'.
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