Difference Betwen Judaism and Zionism?
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05-27-2012, 02:54 AM
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Oct 2005
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Oh, also, for a little more information - there are many branches of Zionism. The two biggest branches are Labor and Liberal (also called general) Zionism - and they most heavily influenced the constitution of the state of Israel. The first is more socialist and secular, the second more old-fashioned liberal democracy.
On the right, we have Revisionist or Nationalist Zionism and Religious Zionism. Originally, they stood for a larger, more aggressive Israel state, some of whom advocated a state called Greater Israel, which involved far more land than Israel (even including the disputed territories) now encompasses. But they have mostly dropped this goal having been subsumed into the Likud party. Religious Zionists are modern orthodox practitioners of Judaism, but believe it's a Jew's duty to settle as much of the Holy Land as possible. Some of them might be the settlers you might know and might dislike. However, not all of them are like some of the more difficult settlers you've seen on teevee. If you want to see what they actually live like, there's a really good Israeli soap opera called Srugim. Israel's media is *very* secular, and a show about the religious is very rare, if not unique.
There are some smaller movements within Zionism - like Green Zionism (environmentalists) and post-Zionists, who believe Israel should just slowly abandon its Jewish identity and simply be a secular democracy. A couple others I'm sure I'm forgetting. I hope this helps!
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