Difference Betwen Judaism and Zionism?
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05-28-2012, 06:49 PM
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Oct 2005
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None is denying war crime here. The armaniana that were not targeted are the intelectual, doctors, bread makers etc. Anyone who are deemed to serve function in the society!! This is documented and is found in archive. The plan was to expell the armenaian from Turkish territory!
As one would expact in doing so deseases and violation of crime occured. No turks denies this to this day!
Genocide implies mass killing program of all!
This is not the case! I think confusion about claim is about defination of the word.
Those who try to cry genocide bases their view with their own experience.
Many of the leading Ottomon elite were also put to death and assasinated by the Ataturk. The list of his murder list includes Scholars of Islam, intelectual!!
Hitlar drawing inspiration statement is somewhat stretching the truth. The entire premisis of arian race is a result of Eugenic progpram under King Leopole (theory of survivial of the fittest). This resulted in mass murder of many african tribes and also 30s concentration camp in Libya.
The problem is in the west to admit something wrong is like admiting their guilt, putting western claim of civilisation into disrepute. Same is the case with French atrocities in their former occupied territory.
The call for genocide by the French and Zionist has more to do with politics then the reality. The zionist are known to support kurds (the comminst) uprising as a military stratagy!! The zionist entity is doing harm to itself by upsetting the turks! One of the formible military ally. Anyway we digressing from the topic! It would be better to take this up in an educated turkish forum and not a religious one!
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