asalam brother im sorry she should run and hard too. if this friend was a woman i would agree face her and stand strong but this is a man. she shouldnt befriend men!! and this guy is using her becuz its a fact woman is easier to persuade because a woman is weaker then a man. it would be harder for him to convert a man, so he chooses to convert a woman sister no disrespect but you need to cut ties with this man. and if i was you i would let him know why i cut ties with him his beliefs are haraam and he shouldnt also be befriending a woman. this is a HARAAM ACT.. as for me when i feel doubt in my heart regards anything i try to stay away from it. sound to me you have huge doubts about this fellow. so turn away, and dont mix with men. lower your gaze, you can increase you knowledge online or via books without having to sin. may allah guide these ppl back to the truth ameen and praying with his arms open because ali alahi salam did? never heard of that. but astarfoullah.. masalam.