You do noyt have to ask for forgiveness, i absolutly do not mind because end of the day watever yout telling me will be for my best ii Aggreee i know already that he likes me, n thats what i think is making it hard for me to stop talking to him, but I Know insh'Allah very soOn im gowing to get busy in my life and thats the time wen i know for a fact that i wont be talking to him. I could get some1 to talk to him..but i dont want him geting upset. & I Realy loved what you said, And especially what you said right at the end, that makes me think Oh and btw it wont be hard for him to stop talking to me, because he knows im a girl who would never take a step against my parents, he knows that me n him together would not work...he says stil its fine, but even if my parents agree (which they wont), i wil ALWAYS be against suchh relationship. Thanxs Alotttt