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Old 12-17-2010, 10:35 PM   #35

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Oct 2005
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You do noyt have to ask for forgiveness, i absolutly do not mind because end of the day watever yout telling me will be for my best

ii Aggreee i know already that he likes me, n thats what i think is making it hard for me to stop talking to him, but I Know insh'Allah very soOn im gowing to get busy in my life and thats the time wen i know for a fact that i wont be talking to him.
I could get some1 to talk to him..but i dont want him geting upset.
& I Realy loved what you said, And especially what you said right at the end, that makes me think

Oh and btw it wont be hard for him to stop talking to me, because he knows im a girl who would never take a step against my parents, he knows that me n him together would not work...he says stil its fine, but even if my parents agree (which they wont), i wil ALWAYS be against suchh relationship.

Thanxs Alotttt
Salam Aleykum,

Sorry I lost my internet connection yesterday, You asked me If the Shia saw Ali RA praying with his hands Open, the answer is No they didn't and they most probably fabricated some narration and attributed it to him.

As for us The Muslims, we always have a scientific methodology and the trustworthy traditions that we follow with this regards, I site some of them:

The Prophet PBUH used to tell the people to place the right over the left:

المجلّدُ الثَّاني >> [تابع موطأ الإمام مالك] >> [تابع أبواب الصلاة] >> 94 - (باب وضع اليمين على اليسار في الصلاة (1))
290 - أخبرنا مالك، حدّثنا أبو حازم (2)، عن سهل (3) بن سعد الساعدي (4)، قال: كان الناسُ (5) يُؤْمَرون (6) أن يضعَ أحدُهم يَدَه اليُمنى على ذراعِه (7) اليُسرى في الصلاة. By the Narration of Imam Muhammad bin al Hassan,

Malik told us, Abu Hazim narrated to us from Sahl bin Sa'ad al Sa'edee that he said: The People used to be ordered to place their right over their left arm during Salat.
source: Muwatta Malik, SAHIH al BUKHARI, Musnad Ahmad.
Hadith rank: SAHIH.

أخبرنا سويد بن نصر قال أنبأنا عبد الله بن المبارك عن زائدة قال حدثنا عاصم بن كليب قال حدثني أبي أن وائل بن حجر أخبره قال قلت لأنظرن إلى صلاة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كيف يصليى فنظرت إليه فقام فكبر ورفع يديه حتى حاذتا بأذنيه ثم وضع يده اليمنى على كفه اليسرى والرسغ والساعد فلما أراد أن يركع رفع يديه مثلها
-قال ووضع يديه على ركبتيه ثم لما رفع رأسه رفع يديه مثلها ثم سجد فجعل كفيه بحذاء أذنيه ثم قعد وافترش رجله اليسرى ووضع كفه اليسرى على فخذه وركبته اليسرى وجعل حد مرفقه الأيمن على فخذه اليمنى ثم قبض اثنتين من أصابعه وحلق حلقة ثم رفع اصبعه فرأيته يحركها يدعو بها. " Suweid bin Nasr said: Abdullah bin al Mubarak told us from Za'ed that he said: Assim bin Kuleib told us: My Father told me that Wa'el bin Hajar told him: I went to look at the prayer of the Prophet PBUH how he did it, So I looked at him and he stood up and made takbeer then raised his hands until his ears then placed his right hand over his left wrist and when he wanted to make Ruku'u he raised his hands like before (...) "
source: Sunan al Nisa'e, Al Imam al Nawawi in Tahtheeb al Asmaa.
Hadith Rank: SAHIH.

حدثنا نصر بن علي، أخبرنا أبو أحمد، عن العلاء بن صالح، عن زرعة بن عبد الرحمن قال: سمعت ابن الزبير يقول:
صفُّ القدمين ووضع اليد على اليد من السنة. "Nasr bin Ali told us that Abu Ahmad told him from Al Alaa bin Saleh who narrated from Zara'ah bin Abdul Rahman that he said: I heard Abdullah Ibn al Zubair say: (...) Placing the Hand over the Hand is a Sunnah."

source: Al Majmou'u for al Nawawi, al bayhaqi in Sunan al Kubrah, Sunan Abu Dawood, Al badr al Muneer.
Hadith rank: The chain of Narrators is Good.

حدثنا محمد بن بكار بن الريان، عن هشيم بن بشير، عن الحجّاج بن أبي زينب، عن أبي عثمان النهدي، عن ابن مسعود:
أنه كان يصلي فوضع يده اليسرى على اليمنى، فرآه النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- فوضع يده اليمنى على اليسرى. Muhammad bin Bakkar bin al Rayyan from Hasheem bin Basheer from al Hajjaj bin Abi Zeinab from abu Uthman al Hindi from Ibn Mas'oud: That when he was praying he placed his left hand over his right, the Prophet PBUH saw him so he (corrected him by) placed his Right over his left.

Source: Imam Al Nawawi in al Khulasah, Sunan Abu Dawood, Al Imam al Thahabi in al Thiqat.
Hadith Rank: SAHIH on the condition of Muslim.

إنا معشر الأنبياء ، أمرنا أن نعجل إفطارنا ، و نؤخر سحورنا ، و نضع أيماننا على شمائلنا في الصلاة Abdullah Ibn Umar and Abdullah Ibn al Abbas may Allah be pleased with both of them Narrated that the Prophet PBUH said: We The Prophets have been ordered to Hasten in our Iftar and to delay our Suhur and to place our Rights over our lefts during Salat.

Source: Imam al Suyuti in al Jami'i al Sagheer, Sheikh al Albani in Sahih al Jami'i.
Hadith Rank: SAHIH.

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يؤمنا فيأخذ شماله بيمينه Halab al ta'ee the father of Qubaysah narrated: The Prophet PBUH used to lead us in prayer and he would place his right over his left.

Source: Sunan al Tirmithi, al Imam al baghawi in Sharh al Sunnah, ibn Hajar al Asqalani in al Mishkah, al Albani in Sahih Ibn Majah.
Hadith Rank: Has a very good chain of narrators.

At the end of the day just go to Madinah and Mecca and see how the Muslims have been praying in these two Cities for over 1400 years, they do exactly what the Prophet PBUH taught their fathers.

Sister do NOT let deviants drag you into the same hole they have fallen into, This religion of Islam Is as SOLID as a Diamond and as CLEAR as the Sun in the Sky.

(Do not fall for him emotionally either because then you will stop thinking rationally).
Shiplyopidomi is offline


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