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Old 06-09-2009, 06:55 PM   #12

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The Hadeeth states that Muslims will be without an Ameer and looking for an Ameer when Mahdi appears.
but does this mean that the muslims will be immediately looking for an ameer when there is no longer an ameer? or will there be a period of not having an ameer and and then the muslims will have some sort of re-awakening or a pressing need that they will then look for an ameer? in fact the need to find an ameer after a period of not having an ameer makes sense to me if you take into consderation the state of the ummah today and how the muslims are being persecuted by the kuffar.

To imply that this event will occur with King Fahd or King Abdullah is considering them "Ameer for Muslims", isn't it?
yes it does seem that way. maybe someone could contact mufti saheb and get a clarification.

Muslims have been without an Ameer (Abdul Hameed Khan (RA)) since 1924, what have the Saudees got to do with this?
again someone needs to ask mufti saheb.

i have spent some time with mufti saheb at darul ifta, although i have nothing bad to say about him but from what i saw he did not seem to be over impressive in terms of ilm or anything (in comparison to other alims) from what i have heard directly from him. but he did seem like a nice down to earth guy. a type of mufti you can chill with. i could be completely wrong about him. what do other alims make of him?
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