All, Background: There is a difference between (Maulana) Wahiduddin Khan & his son Saniyasnain Khan. The Fatwaas and warnings from the Ulamah are towards (Maulana) Wahiduddin Khan and not his son. Goodword Books are mostly by his son i.e. Saniyasnain Khan and you may disagree on pictures etc but I have not seen anything controversial about the (son) and neither have I read anything controversial in the books themselves. I have not come across any Goodword Books by the father (Maulana) Wahiduddin Khan, I am not sure if they exist (they may do). On the other hand there is plenty of Dawah books by father i.e. Goodword Books by the father (Maulana) Wahiduddin Khan but almost none by son i.e. Saniyasnain Khan. Question: If there is anything specific about Saniyasnain Khan OR Goodword Books please bring it to our attention.