So a while ago one brother gave me a book "The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam" by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. I read the book and liked it, I thought I learn a lot from it, but then I started reading about the Sheikh and what I read was controversial at the very least. I donīt understand how someone could be Salafi and still have a show at Al Jazeera. What are your opinions on this sheikhs and do you think that it is good to read his books or not?
`Allamah Yusuf al-Qaradhawi is one of the most respected and influential scholars in the world. Having fought against repressive regimes in the Arab world, being a staunch supported of the Palestinian cause, and having spent a good deal of time in prison, he has done a lot for this ummah. His academic contribution is quite impressive as well, as he has over 100 written works, including his classic work on Zakat. Many `ulama such as Mufti Taqi Usmani, Sh. Abdul Hasan `Ali Nadwi, and Sh. Abu Ghuddah have praised him. That being said, his approach in fiqh is very controversial to say the least and you are better off sticking to a scholar who generally sticks to one of the established schools of jurisprudence.