Internal Dawah
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05-01-2012, 04:20 PM
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Oct 2005
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Internal Dawah
This thread is about how to call modern educated Muslims to put their weight behind Islam.
To many of them take Islam as a burden.
Too many of them take Islam as some sort of outdated ideology.
Too many feel tempted to give Deeni Muslims a lesson or two.
Situation is sort of Judo being applied by the west on Muslims where the weight of Muslims is getting used against them and their religion.
The burden is to bring Muslims out of the Macaulian mindset.
Lord Macaulay
1st Baron Thomas Babington Macaulay, Member of Her Majesty (The Queen of England)'s Most Honourable Privy Council (25 October 1800 – 28 December 1859)'s Minute on Indian Education on February 2, 1935 has the following, by now very infamous, quote:
We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern, --a class of persons Indian in blood and colour, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect.
Reference: Bureau of Education. Selections from Educational Records, Part I (1781-1839). Edited by H. Sharp. Calcutta: Superintendent, Government Printing, 1920. Reprint. Delhi: National Archives of India, 1965, 107-117.
By now this is known to nearly everybody in India that he had some hideous plans for intellectual subjugation of Indians. The irony is that by and large Indians in general and Muslims in particular are following the same route-the algorithm proposed by Baron Macaulay. And shamelessly. Your poor Alig would like to say a few things, in later posts, about Macaulian Blogs by Muslims, Lord Most High willing. For now a single comment will be sufficient. Both the Wikipedia page on this ideologue as well as his infamous Minute have the same sugar coating that is so widely used by the US of A and his allies to keep Islam and Muslims under their thumb-including their resources. The differences are very very minor. At that time they were protecting our interests and now they are protecting their interests. For the record tiger has indeed changed its stripes. To conclude if they are protecting their interests shouldn't we have the right to protect our interests? This is a simple idea but from the state of affairs it, for sure, will not sound very sweet to the ears of the beleaguered west.
Divide and Rule
British had this hideous policy in India-divide and rule.
It back fired rather badly.
Indians united and gave the exit pass to the British. And Indian Movement for Freedom became a legendary phenomenon. A phenomenon that is still baffling the people who should understand and describe it.
But the hideous mentality of the materialist colonial masters (club them with the rest of Europe and the US) was not frozen.
They continue the their colonialist ambitions by other means. Media and diplomacy.
One division they have created is the division of man and woman.
Women in society are prone to end up in disadvantageous situations. This is a social problem. Should be solved socially. Those who ignore these problems do so that only to their own loss and consternation. And they are answerable on the Day of Judgment.
This situation, that women have problems that are peculiar to them, has been thoroughly exploited to rule the Muslims. Here is a news article, from some time back, where this situation manifests itself.
See how perfectly Lord Macaulay succeeded? The reporter is either Indian or of Indian origin and the activist too is Indian, a Muslim and a woman to boot.
Verily we are for our Lord and unto Him is our return.
Macaulian Blogs
These are the blogs by Muslims who further the colonial agenda in an era where colonialism is taking its last breath-even in its economic colonialism phase. Lord Macaulay's bill on educational reforms in India envisioned a class of people in India who were equipped with modern education, who were Indian by their skin colour by western in thought. This was to be supposed to be the vanguard of British Empire in its colonies. What a visionary was lord Macaulay! He is long gone but his ideas are still in action. Talk of eastern opinion to the eastern. Talk of Islamic opinion to the Muslim. Let alone the western people. You'll get the look as if you have talked a silly thing, if not an outright blasphemy.
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