Age of Chaos and Usury : Riot prone cities Muslims should avoid !!
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03-09-2012, 02:35 PM
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Oct 2005
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Assalamu Alaikum
the breakdown or partial breakdown of modern capitalist society due to a number of factors is a very real modern possibility.
Peak Oil is perhaps the biggest problem - as oil resources gradually decline whilst consumer demands grow across many countries social instability and even war may eventually result in the struggle to maintain oil supplies, whilst industries that modern societies rely upon may be starved.
As most of us are aware the Iraqi and Afghan invasions were really oil wars and Western interest in other countries Libya, Sudan-Darfur, Somalia etc is also related to these countries oil resources.
As oil becomes yet more valuable and supply and demand constrains its use as a power source and as the basis of modern industry (for example plastic is made from oil) Muslims may become subject to new threats of violence due to international problems that this will cause.
At present no suitable and realistic plan is being enacted to help the human race move beyond oil reliance - greater use of sustainable materials, natural sources of power and use of low energy electrical appliances is required, but not one modernized country in the world is working for this at a suitably fast level.
Other problems looming over modern society are Climate Changes that are very real, more floods, storms, extreme conditions of wet and dry, hot and cold are causing havoc with agriculture and the food production of the world - Climate change puts international food resources at very real jeopardy, - the people most vulnerable to any growth in these problems will be the urban poor -
(wait a minute aren't most Western Muslims in this group? sadly yes)
Furthermore we know that the Zionists/Dajjalic/Freemason bunch, the racists and most of the politicians and Media are against us, we know that there are diabolical plans afoot to separate Western Muslims from their Deen through various pressures on individuals, Mosques and Madrassas to adopt a false liberal interpretation of Islam, yet we confine ourselves to a very vulnerable position in large urban communities, where like babies of modern society we have no connection to the real natural world which is the real source of our sustenance through the Mercy of Allah (SWT).
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