Why ARE We Such A Randy Species???
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04-22-2011, 12:54 AM
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Oct 2005
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I guess the whole argument by the religious right about marriage and what it is and why is trying to convince everyone that their narrow view of sexuality is the only 'correct' one. Political correctness to the nth degree.
The body does seem to have it's own mind at times which is a good reason to have excellent birth control and abortion available if needed. There is much about this topic I find fascinating and of course it goes completely against the new earth creationists. They can't even discuss it I suppose as their world view doesn't include anything but 'gawd made it that way'...
Bonobo chimps are sexy and use sex for much of their interaction within their social group. I think a lot of our view of sexuality comes from conditioning rather than nature. Just my POV.
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