Why dont we Follow Imam Jafar Saadiq (A) or Imam Zaid Shaheed (A) ?
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05-06-2012, 01:21 AM
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Oct 2005
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Brother White Falcon isn't Shi'ah especially from his posts that i have been reading, he has questions that may have been put forward by a Shi'ah to him that is why you are getting the feeling he is a closet-shi'ah. Unless he has openly denied on the forum the Khilaafah of the Shaykhayn (Radiya Allahu 'Anhuma) or the integrity of Umm-ul Mu'mineen (Radiya Allahu 'Anha) or even shown hatred to some Companions like Ameer Mu'awiyyah (Radiya Allahu 'Anhu) etc. He has shown love and respect for the Ahl al-Bayt and this is a good thing. The Shi'ahs have hijacked the term Ahlul Bayt and their "apparent" love for them (when we know they have no such love). It's time for us to jack it back from them and show our love for them and the rest of the Companions
Moving on, today there is no such thing as a Ja'fari Madh-hab or even a Zaydi Madh-hab, though their opinions might be scattered here and there, and remnants of their Usool in some of their students work, none from the trustworthy after them have carried this forward through the centuries nor have they worked on it, the Shi'ahs are not the one to trust to begin with even if they claim they have it passed to them for it is very clear how their books are like, Munqati', Majhool, Mawdhoo' etc etc. As for the Zaydis of today none of the Sunni 'Ulama accept their School, again they might have opinions of Imam Zayd but those that came after him throughout the centuries and worked on the Zaydi School have changed it to a Mu'tazili leaning one and a Shi'i leaning one (i.e Imaamah, not accepting the Shaykhayn). So what is documented of the Zaydis (unless it is Imam Zayd's original books and confirmed) should be doubted.
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