Adopting Kids From Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya etc
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05-13-2012, 01:33 PM
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Oct 2005
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@sister Acacia, glad you brought up Shariah, I did research this, please see
@others, It'd be just wonderful if we all do our bit, actually now is the time to do extra...
adoption comes with great responsibilities, yes, but now is the time for the ummah to take even more responsibilities than ever, just look around, you'll know what I mean.
when we look at that kid closely, observe that she is not looking at the food, she's looking for someone , look at her tired eyes, tired body... maybe she is looking for her mom? dad? sis? bro? maybe they are all dead... (may ALLAH SWT forbid, amen) has she had her polio drops? all vaccines that a kid her age is getting elsewhere? what about hygiene? look at her surroundings, look at the ground she has sat on, look at the surroundings she'd have to grow up, maulana tariq jameel once said that when the rich don't pay the zakat as it needs to be paid, then the kids (he esp. referred to women) of the Muslim ummah become prey (all sorts of exploitation) for the sick men to fulfill their desires, and this is happening already...
but this thread is not to blame others, or americans, etc but more so to be responsible and act responsibly, do all you can and leave the rest to Allah SWT,
@sister hayya, make niyyah and put in the effort, do mashwara and go ahead, Allah SWT will show you the way, amen.
to others who may already have kids, see if you can do more for the ummah, if not, sponsor a kid even if its just one, do it the right way, better do it in war torn countries (my humble opinion) get your relatives or friends you trust, do something, we can live without an ipad, can't we? ever since I watched that kid, i haven't eaten out
i plan to stay that way, honestly i have been unable to, whenever i plan to eat out, i remember the kid, and..., may Allah SWT grant me steadfastness, amen.
can somebody please tell me...has she had her breakfast?
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