Salaam i just want ask peoples advice on whether to pursue a bayyah with a particular Sheikh. Recently i had the good oportunity to meet Sheikh Yayha bin nowy. i Asked him whether i could take bayyah with him and he said he would need to do istkhfara (sounded somwthing like that). i told my friend what happeend and he said i would need to rectify my aqeedah, (him being a barelvi). My question is should i purse a bayyah with Sheikh Yahya bin nowy, as i am inclined to the the deobandi ulema, or should i not? i should say i am slightly impulsive. which basicall means i may have asked for bayyah due to being in the presence of a highly esteemed individual. Honestly i havent heard that much talks of the Sheikh previously. SHould i abandon pursuing bayyah with this sheikhh and attemp to seek bayyah with a more local sheikh and whose lectures i am familiar with, such as Sheikh Riyadh al Huq. wasalaam