brother. A humble advice bro, do not read hadith from Bukhari without guidance from a scholar or proper commentary, because we will misunderstand the hadiths very easily. Rather read Riyad As saliheen, where most of the hadith mentioned are easy to understand. Brother our beloved Rasoolullah has prayed in many different ways, all those ways are permissible. The Sahaba followed this and there is substantial evidence that they prayed according to the Prophet but in different ways that He had showed them. Many of the difference in Salah we see are allowed by Allah which was taught by our Rasoolullah to us. So don't worry.
Taken from Elements of Shafi'i Fiqh. 1. To raise both hands up to the shoulders -when saying Allahu Akbar at the beginning of Salaah, -while going to Ruku’, -coming up from Ruku’ and -standing up from the first sitting of Tashahhud.