Raising of hands in Salah.
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03-01-2012, 09:48 PM
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Oct 2005
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi t3ala wabarakatuhu
Here are all the rules concerning "raising hands in prayer" according to Imam Shafiee rahimahullah t3alas school of thought:
- According to imam Shaf'iee you are to raise your hands to your shoulders
- You are to raise your hands for the takbeeratul ihraam (this is the takbeer from which your start your prayer), and at the
takbeer before rukoo, and the takbeer after rukoo (altogether 3 times)
This is the hadeeth that the shaf'iees follow: "Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam used to raise his hands if he stood for salah
until his shoulders, then say ALLAH akbar, and when he wanted to do rukoo, he raised his hands, said ALLAH abkar, then went in
rukoo, and when he lifted his head from rukoo, he raised his hands like before and said: sam'iallahu liman hamida rabbana wa lakal hamd"
How to raise your hands
: You are to raise your hands at the same time you begin to say ALLAH akbar, and put down
your hands when you finish saying ALLAHU akbar, (neither of the two shall be done before the other, both will be done together
at the same time, start together, finish them together.)
Hope this was helpful, (Learned this in Sunan e Abi Dawood class)
jazakumullah t3ala ahsanal jaza
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