Why do people reject Islam?
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05-17-2012, 08:13 AM
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Oct 2005
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Why do people reject Islam?
If everyone was muslim, wouldn't the world be a much better place?
Justice would be served.
Law and order would exist.
Everyone would be kind and generous to each other.
We would all fast in Ramadan together, go to Hajj Pilgrimage together and look after one another.
Prayer would occur 5 times a day everywhere in the world.
We would only worship God and no idols and not multiple gods.
Why do people not see the beauty of Islam?
Islam is not a religion. It is a way of life, no?
Why don't everybody come to Islam? Why are there people out there claiming it is a false religion when they have never read the Quran to see what it actually says and stop blindly following the media?
As muslims, don't we want the whole of mankind to come to heaven with us and follow the true path to God?
Jazak Allah Khair
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